Win the Tariff War with Family Fresh Food Security – An Open Letter by Richard Nelson, inventor of SolaRoof BubbleTech

Note: this letter’s Chinese translation is here.

Dear Party Leaders and Members of Federal and Provincial Parliaments:

I’m introducing myself, Richard Nelson, as the Canadian inventor of SolaRoof Technology, that transforms our homes and built-environment to build a new relationship with Nature and enable a future of regenerative abundance for all – with the PyraPOD as the first step in this

PyraPOD is a backyard, solar powered food security solution for families that provides plentiful fresh organic Food, clean Energy and pure Water-from-air that is nearly free; and, if widely adopted in the community, this 21st century, OpenSource know-how can end hunger when participating families take collective action through the Family Fresh Food Bank.

Presented below is a doable strategy to fight food inflation and the USA Tariff Attack on Canadians:

I believe that the USA Tariffs will result in all kinds of grants, tax incentives and jobs development support offered to create Canada based manufacturing that stands independent from the USA supply chains. We don’t need the USA to manufacture and supply PyraPOD. We can source all materials in Ontario and Quebec, the heartland of manufacturing in Canada. The immediate crisis for middle class families will be food price inflation that will put extreme pressure on already stressed community Foodbanks. Our OpenSource “grow your own food” innovation will not exploit the situation but rather it will relieve the economic suffering and bring great hope to families and communities.

We must partner with schools and community based organizations, especially Foodbanks. We have a transformative purpose to mobilize the Family Fresh Food Bank mission as a social enterprise network. I hope to deliver on a vision of “forever free fresh food”, produced by families, for themselves and for the community, with anticipation that we can partner with Canada’s Foodbanks, all across the country. We need to make it clear that our innovation and technology is OpenSource and it’s for the people. Our manufacturing creates jobs and stimulates the economy while delivering PyraPOD products at the lowest price, and as a consequence, generates very strong financial returns to families who enlist in this mission to end hunger.

To top it off, we have a very strong impact on Climate Change mitigation and provide a real and significant new opportunity for Climate Change adaptation resulting in resilient communities.

I would love to see my life’s work shine in Canada and sensible people will now take the opportunity to test these solutions for themselves and realize that we have answers to our problems that have been denied by incumbents and systematically blocked for decades. In our current emergency these barriers to change must fall and we Canadians be enabled to build the world we know is possible – a world where we overcome scarcity and build an economy of abundance that works for everyone, no family left behind.

Here is a draft business plan for the Family Fresh Food Bank.

Our local Social Enterprise partners can modify the basic plan, adapting the vision to their community and use it as a source for their own Canadian business initiative. As you know we have similar initiatives in China and Europe.

Our Canadian food banks could also reach out to USA-based food banks and we can then transfer the know-how and teach those organizations to manufacture their own PyraPOD products.

Here’s a way for our PyraPOD to go viral:

Families can come to us for “forever free fresh food” from their own backyards!

They sign up a contract with the local community Foodbank to grow food for themselves and supply their surplus for community distribution – and we install the PyraPOD in the backyard for free under the “Pyranaut Contract”, which is a Web3 Smart Contract backed by an NFT.

We partner with the well established Foodbanks network across the country to bring food security to communities and food sovereignty to the nation. Our collective action through the Family Fresh Food Bank (FFFB) demonstrates how to activate the health and wealth of people everywhere with a 21st century solution that has multiple social and environmental benefits and becomes super viral because its adoption is highly profitable for the family.

Working in collaboration with Foodbanks we can definitely mobilize the “financing” for each family enlisting as “Pyranaut Pioneers” – then, our enterprise network, with distributed Manufacturing & Supply Hubs, deliver the PyraPOD as a self-funded social enterprise.

On top of the health, financial and social benefits we are engaging in the generation of a highly significant Carbon Credit account that is continuously documented and verified and delivers a Climate Change adaptation and mitigation solution that far surpasses any other proposals (like tree planting).

Recognizing the urgency of the moment, I look forward to your quick response in support.

Richard Nelson
Inventor of SolaRoof
CTO of PyraPOD
@solaroof on X

The message above was sent to Jagmeet Singh, the Leader of the NDP in Canada (Federal member of Parliament) and to two strategic NDP members of the provincial parliament of Ontario, where I would propose to quickly mobilize a PyraPOD demonstration project as a field testing phase of launching the Family Fresh Food Bank mission in Canada.

My initiative to create the FFB and propel it into a global movement is supported by a team called RegenAIssance who are building a global network of support for the paradigm shift from scarcity to abundance and they recognize that the backyard PyraPOD can be the trigger. Economic warfare between Canada and the USA is a David and Goliath story. Canada is David and the PyraPOD is the “pebble” in our slingshot. If you are in journalism or the media and want this paradigm shift for the Canadian people then please come to my assistance and provide me leverage to reach any Leaders who are likely to listen if only they were able to find my voice in the current noisy environment. From as high a level as you can please try to direct their attention to the PyraPOD solution, that provides us, in our time of need, an offensive weapon for peace, security and prosperity.

Richard Nelson
Inventor of SolaRoof
CTO of PyraPOD

P.S. If you would like to reach me, please click here to send email first to establish your contact number.

Author: Aubrey Zhang

Since obtaining PhD in Electrochemistry in 1994 (University of Calgary), I have been through many things, such as post-doctoral research work using STM to study atomic level electrodeposition of Cd on Ag(111) surface at UIUC (Urbana-Champaign at University of Illinois), lifetime free-lance preaching, CEO of TheoLogos Publications and PyraPOD Global Inc, former salesman of diamond tools for Superprem Industries, former director of DiaSolid Kitchen & Bath, finishing carpenter, working for CRE Green, a solar company in Kelowna, BC. After all these experiences, my life motto is this: sharp mind must combine with skilful hands. With my wife Margaret we have three kids - Riley, Grace and Anita.