Welcome to PyraPOD with SolaRoof

PyraPOD A4x4: while straight edge P4x4 is designed for DIY, this one will be made by professionals

P stands for Pyramid, A for Arch. Curved edge and surface gives us more room inside than the one with...
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What is that? Pay attention to the object which is far from the rest of the 11 objects around the sun on the Sumerian Tablet

While looking at the Sumerian Tablet that Zecharia Sitchin was holding, I realize that most people focus on the 11...
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PyraPOD-P4x4: a growing & living tower combining Richard Nelson’s SolaRoof and Mark McMurtry’s iAVS

Beside PeachPOD, this is a simpler design that combines Richard Nelson's SolaRoof controlled environment and Mark McMurtry's simple iAVS sandponics....
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Top view of PyraDEMO when bubble filling starts from the beginning to total fill

Two blowers and two spray nozzles are used in this version to fill a true cavity formed by two layers...
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BubbleTech in Norway (4): the 4th bubble greenhouse we checked onsite during November 8-11 Oslo trip

This greenhouse is a multi-module one, located at Taranrødveien 97, 3171 Sem in Norway. This one is the largest of...
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BubbleTech in Norway (3): the 3rd bubble greenhouse we checked onsite during November 8-11 Oslo trip

This greenhouse is a single module, located to the right-hand side of Vestsiden Junior High School on the second level....
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BubbleTech in Norway (2): the 2nd bubble greenhouse we checked onsite during November 8-11 Oslo trip

This greenhouse is located right in the middle of Sydskogen primary school's second level court yard. Anne Wirstad arranged everything...
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BubbleTech in Norway (1): the 1st bubble greenhouse we checked onsite during November 8-11 Oslo trip

Finally got the chance to compile all the pictures and videos we took for this first bubble greenhouse. Anne Wirstad...
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Top view of PyraDEMO when bubble filling starts from the beginning to total fill

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BubbleTech in Norway at REKLIMA on local news

Anne Wirstad in Norway sent us the link to this local news and I grab the part that is related...
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This is a place for you to learn the happy and sad stories about Richard Nelson, a prolific Canadian inventor, who’s inventions have been ignored by humanity for so long.

Not any more!

As we are going to spill the beans out so that you will know who he is and why he is so valuable for mankind.

Once you have read his story and get enlightened by it, you will see the light acts like a fire in the darkness and find that this light is also in you.

Before we start with Richard’s story, take a look at the following brief introduction to him:

Richard Nelson is the CTO of PyraPOD Global Inc, holder of 6 patents on SolaRoof technologies. Over the past 20 years he has been active in educating, mobilizing and supporting early doers of SolaRoof projects under the Creative Commons licenses, which means he gives an open source offer to all DIYers to use his technologies right away. Richard lives happily with his wife Jeraldine and is now working on several historic patent pending innovations with PyraPOD Global.

Now, let’s dive into his story, shall we?

if it is your first time to come to this website, please following the links one after another as we tell Richard Nelson’s story in sequence…

Click to read Richard Nelson’s birth, childhood and visions at age of 14