Beside PeachPOD, this is a simpler design that combines Richard Nelson’s SolaRoof controlled environment and Mark McMurtry’s simple iAVS sandponics. As Corin Smith pointed out, PyraPOD-P4x4 looks like Bermuda Buttery, the signature building to cool and store food. Now we use this shaped structure to capture solar thermal energy and store the heat in water underneath the floor. Now we have the best of both systems in PyraPOD, iAVS as the content to grow fresh food inside and SolaRoof to control the environment, keeping us from the polluted air and water outside. And you can sleep on the CROSS platform, which is also the walkway for humans and pathway for bubbles underneath. There is more, fresh distilled water condensation forms so that clean water can be collected everyday on the inner surface of the inner cover. Can you find anything better than this?