Community Membership added with a service for video conferencing and portable webcam system

As PyraPOD community expands, we have decided to offer some services. One service that is handy and we use ourselves on daily basis is our BityPOD platform. It is a full fledged Zoom like video conferencing platform with the following short list of features:

  • Participant can join with an URL without an account
  • Beside the host and other host account holders, others can join as anomymous users
  • By default, no passcode is needed
  • No need to install a native app (can be used as a web ap)
  • All host account holder can create a chat room on the fly
  • Use local resources as much as possible so that there is less load to network
  • Can be used as a LIVE webcam (as we use it here) or as your own security monitor system when a passcode is set
  • Several ways to share your screen with other participants
  • Can live stream a meeting session
  • Can prepare YouTube videos ahead of time
  • Shortcut keys for quick actions

Now free members of this website and related websites can become a Community Member and we will create a host account for you, So far we do not set a limit for your host account. This means you can invite as many participants and use a particular chat room for however long hours you need.

The Community Membership fee is only $10 a month. If you have registered as a free member, then you already have an affiliate account with us and we pay 50% commissions for your referrals. This means that you just need to refer the Community Membership to 2 other paid members, then you can enjoy the BityPOD host service free!

Go to to pay for the membership and we will create a host account for you within a day.

Author: Aubrey Zhang

Since obtaining PhD in Electrochemistry in 1994 (University of Calgary), I have been through many things, such as post-doctoral research work using STM to study atomic level electrodeposition of Cd on Ag(111) surface at UIUC (Urbana-Champaign at University of Illinois), lifetime free-lance preaching, CEO of TheoLogos Publications and PyraPOD Global Inc, former salesman of diamond tools for Superprem Industries, former director of DiaSolid Kitchen & Bath, finishing carpenter, working for CRE Green, a solar company in Kelowna, BC. After all these experiences, my life motto is this: sharp mind must combine with skilful hands. With my wife Margaret we have three kids - Riley, Grace and Anita.